Natalie Erika ♥♥
Friendster (?)


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Thedirections. My girl. Girlfriend. Bestie. Blogging. Chats. Sleeping. Laze around. Daydream. The beach. The park. Town. Whitesands. Shopping. Cash. Forever21. Topshop. Mng. Fcuk. Hearts. Roses. Walks. Alcohol. Junkfood. Maggi mee. Sushi. Korean cuisine. Meiji & Cadbury. Dark black chocolates. Secret.


My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer-.


Agnes Ailin Andrew Angela Becky Beefy Carina&Lydia Carina Cassandra Casxn Charzzy Chener Cheryl Cindy girlfriend Denyse Faizal Fiona Geraldine Hanwen Jeanette Kai Kim Lydia Marcia Melle Patricia Phoebe Syy Shirleen darling Timothy Ting Triton Weelyn


June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007


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Image : foto decadent
Brushes : adobe photoshop cs2


Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Entry : She cried for me.
Supper was sushis last night. Mum bought my jacket home. On second thoughts, I think it's a size too big. I'll still take it though. But she nagged about my hfone bills for over usage. Lol. Nevermind about that. I'm quite pleased for now lah.

Met them in the bus to go school tgt. Almost falling asleep through the lessons. My face still looks awful. Went to Tampines' Sakae after school with Shir for our buffet tgt to celebrate our 11mth. The official day is supposedly tomorrow. Hahas. We ate to our hearts content. 24 plates in total nd couldn't take in more. I don't know why. Silly waitresses kept walking up nd down, clearing our plates for no reason. Oh wells. Stayed there from 3.15pm till 5.30pm. Ahahs. Did many many silly things as well. Gosh we went effing madd. Here are the retarhded videos then (ps have to load first).

After which we shopped for Syy's present that's very late. Met into a few friends. Went home by bus ride. I fucking slept like a pig without knowing the bus had a crowd. Omfg the embarrassment.

Mrs Loh talked to us about our Olevels during assembly period today. It's scaring me out of my wits already. Sighs. My bright star isn't shining very clear anymore. It seems to get further than before.

I know I don't have a pretty face. I envy. I get jealous of others. These feelings take over me. Sometimes I say to myself. What's the point of makeups nd all. When I know that my ugly image will always be there, ineradicable ?

herTORMENTED heart
10:13 PM

Monday, June 26, 2006
Entry : Her crowned beauty.
Haircut at Fareast's Haruscene as usual. Yet however, this time went horribly wrong. My fringey is just weird lah. Sheesh. Nd omfg, I have a huge pimple popping out. Dang. So yeah. In the previous 2 days, I've bought my new stationeries, converse shoes nd socks. That's all to prepare I guess. Went for some famm shopping too. Lol. Mum nd I bought clothes from Mng sales. I've gotten the red&black striped collar top as well as purple pants (she bought more lah). Dad got himself 2 shirts. Sister bought a Pony sling at Taka. Rarrh. I shall borrow it from her HAHA. Also reserved mum's Nike footwear nd my Le Coq Sportif jacket. I wantttt. But there's only L size since the M had a stain. No more other stocks. Either I get it or I don't. Bahhh.

Okay I don't know why I like the jacket. Mum says its quite nyce though. Hmm. Had my yummy Korean sabafish set on saturday at Tampines ; fish steamboat (?) nd fried oyster egg for dinner yesterday at Geylang. Oh, Ahkor wasn't with us since he was at home, injured. Lol. He called up to say tell us nd wanted only a burger for dinner. How dumb.

Anw. It's the start of the new term today at school. Cabbed down with Jaslyn, Geraldine nd Jayne since it was late. Hard time walking a superr long way, flagging for a taxi with all those busy traffic jams. Seeing familiar faces all over again. It's sort of a pleasant thing I supppose ? Hahas. Had Amath tutorials then. I'm in this Band2 class which wasn't very fine. Couldn't really catch up on the teacher as well as my peers. Fucking stress I tell you. Almost on the verge to cry. It was stupid. Then I remembered what they always tell me : I have to approach for help. Friends don't seem to really bother so I asked the teacher instead. Does do some good. But still.

Ate Macs with the usuals for lunch/dinner at Whitesands. Walked home tgt with them (:
Knowing the happenings. Not a good day for us ; but we still smile to the end of it.

herTORMENTED heart
9:45 PM

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Entry : What's left of me.
Overslept as usual yesterday. A slice of strawberry cheescake for breakfast. Managed to help dad as much as I could, until he closed the stall. Business was pretty good. Much better then the previous experience. Nd he gave me 30bucks this time round. Had fish noodles nd carrot juice for lunch. Anw. I noticed those students. It's either they smile at you, or they give bewildered looks.

Dad drove me home. Wanted to have dinner out tgt. But I stubbornly told him that I didn't want to eat. Then when we were back home, he tried asking the others if they wanted to eat out but all he got in reply was 'no'. So he didn't have dinner as well. Effing sucks lah. I feel darn bad. Went out to meet Cindy instead. We walked around Tampines mall, had some good chats, nd ate at Ljs. Then I bought my liquid eyeliner. Lol. No harm trying out the effects. There goes my money. Flutter. Went home after that. Had supper again. Mum brought back all those yummy food lah.

Fell asleep on the computer repeatedly. Dang. Friends instant messaged but I didn't get to reply. Awake at 8:55am. Currently just chatting nd listening to music. Lydia shared with me this site on the 'Magic Ball'. Kind of interesting yanno. With all those answers I got for first try.

Qn : Am I happy ?
Ans : Probably not.
Qn : Are you sure ?
Ans : It is certain.

So yes, going out ltr today with family. Supposedly to have my haircut, buy school stationeries nd all. I told myself I've given up on everything. Homeworks can just fucking be put aside. I only left a day. Spare me then.

herTORMENTED heart
12:13 AM

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Entry : Tears of mine.
Was being lazy that I woked up at noon yesterday. So I had to rush down to TP, to help dad with the orders nd money-collecting. Even though it was already evening, there were still quite a number of students wanting to eat. Anw. I sort of made a mess for being so careless. Charging extra for those who did takeaways nd giving a wrong order. Bahhh. Late lunch alone. Fish nd chips. Then dad said I could go off first since it was close to 7pm. Not too bad, I've gotten myself 20bucks. On the way back home, I almost got banged down by a stupid lorry. Hahas. Refreshed nd then off to meet Cindy. Walked around Tampines. Bumped into Hanwen nd Zesheng at Century Square again ? Ahahs. But seeing them makes part of me think of you. Tell me why am I being so silly when I know we're over nd maybe forgotten.

Oh we walked off to Cafe Cartel for our sweet treats. Super nice ah. Mine was the Oreo cheesecake while hers was the Chicago cheesecake. Then, we went to Starbucks to chat with them for awhile until nearing 11pm. The drinks were tempting but no. Homed after. There was no dinner left. But good thing mum didn't nag at me. A long day I suppose. Why can't I shake it off. You still seem well-off without me. I should do the same. Not going on thinking too much that I can't contain.

I was using the computer when I fell asleep again. By the time I awoke at about 5.40am, somebody had switched it off. Effing annoyed lah. Cindy was supposed to give me a morning call today at 8am but she slept till 9.47am. Lol. But yeah, I was still asleep as well. So we pushed the time back to 11am instead. Had Macs at Whitesands for lunch. Completed my Emath homework. Then we went up to the library to read magazines nd books. Haha interesting. There were some books we found related to Chemistry, Biology, Physics nd Geography. By then, was already 6pm so I bought noodles nd went home. Even if its tough. Yes I will. Unless_.

Although I can't be bothered about Pure Chemistry TYS, I'm still having these homeworks left aside : Amath TYS questions, Geography corrections, Social Studies notes & Physics papers. The chills. I don't know.

Who wants tickets to Sentosa ? I've got 2 more here. Have no use for it now since the plan's cancelled. It's until 30th June.

herTORMENTED heart
7:10 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Entry : It spells the pain.
Went for dinner yesterday with sister nd cousin at the hawker center nearby. Omfg I didn't know how to order those food. I tried speaking in English then translated to Chinese but the uncle didn't get anything ? So cousin had to help me. Then I spilled the sauces on the tray nd the people in the queue just looked. Dang I'm so useless. It was way embarrassing I tell you. Anw. Had our desserts as well, so I tried to clear the plates nd all. But the cleaner came nd saw me doing something bad HAHAH. Oh wells.

Accompanied Guanwei this afternoon to Tan Tock Seng Hospital for his consultation thing. I was shocked to see him in that state. So yes. It's my first time there, how exciting please. The place was better than what I expected. So mean, we laughed at people. HAHAHA how silly. After which we cabbed down to Katong to eat at this Japanese restaurant. The atmosphere was so style. Effing yummy food nd erm, drinks. Ahahs. But gosh, the bill wasn't very appealing. Hurr. Oh I have pictures to upload to the albums. I hope he doesn't see this. Lol.

Dropped off home. I'm feeling restless yet again. My heads stuck to Lifehouse songs nd some others. Bahhh. Where's my concentration nd motivation to study ? They're gone. I don't feel like bothering.

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away ;
You've gone away, you don't feel me, anymore.

On second thoughts. I hope Guanwei reads this lah. Thnks my dearest Dage (: For the treat nd the fun time. I enjoyed myself super much. It was very very nice of you. Oh yes. Please recover soon. Take care nd be careful alright. Then you can go off taking your bike test nd get back to school. Hahas. Hugs.

_______ says:
wat happen to u and your ex?

Tell me I'm strong.

______ says:
why ur pic so sad one
______ says:
sad ? hahah. i thot it was rather different
______ says:
its like you're the kind that slashes ur wrist lah

bleed. Bleed. BLEED.

Ps. Thnks Timmy for the songs. Yeah.

herTORMENTED heart
9:01 PM

Monday, June 19, 2006
Entry : Oh fucktardd.
Stayed at home again on Saturday. Wanted to do my homework in the morning while watching MTV but some relatives had to come by, so I gave in. Did baking with sister. We made double chocolate chunk cookies. The first attempt, we got like large-sized cookies. Ahah she nd her crazy ways, but it was fun lah. Watched this korean show at night with mum. Super saddening that I could tear. Title was 'Brother nd me'.

18th June. Happy Fathers' Day. Woked up early nd went for tuition at 201 first. After which Jaslyn, Syy nd I went to Bedok to have lunch. Ate chicken rice again. I'm like sick of it now. Then went home first before going out with family. Dad drove us down to Fareast Plaza nd he went off to his pub as usual. Wanted to get my haircut at The scene, but the person didn't work on Sundays. The other hairstylist would charge me 10bucks more ! Like wth. So we've got to wait till next week I suppose. Oh we walked down to DFS galleria. Said my bag shouldn't punch the holes or else the authenticy won't be there already. Gosh. Anw, there were many many nice branded stuff. Yeah for instance, that lovely Burberry jacket costing 510. For now, I have to go at a lower budget. When I grow up, I would want to earn alot of money. Lol.

Walked further on to the Heeren. Actually decided to have Marche for dinner, but it closed down. So we went up to Sakae nd ate our 80bucks worth. Darn bad. Ahkor can really eat good food. Sheesh. Anyhow, I was talking to him about some nice shops he could try. Nd so we went into Fleshimp hahas. He got this black top at 35. Omg mum wanted to let me get something from there too (even the jacket at 70) yet when she said "don't force yourself if you don't like", well I left the shop empty-handed.

We went into Adidas 2 times. I reaaally wanted that Adicolour jacket (comes in black or white). But there wasn't sales nd it cost 149. So then I picked on this brown with yellow stripes jacket as well as the black with light pink stripes since they were only 119. Nd guess what. They're for males. Omfg lah ? So annoying. I missed that teeny bit to getting it because the so-called label "male cutting" turned my mum away. Ladies' ones are either green or pink. This is so unfair. Screamm. I didn't give up my hope to find a suitable jacket. NewUrbanMale had some cotton-material ones mum asked if I liked. Nice colour combinations, but the country designs example "Brazil"or "Japan" etc damaged it. Even Puma jackets are soccer-fad now. Imagine if those countries lost, people will throw eggs at you nd laugh. Hahahahah. How random.

It was already the time for the shops to close, but Wisma's Topshop nd Nikewomen were still open till close to 10pm. Anw, Nike jacket's at about 100, not bad. Told mum to complain about my Nike shoes we bought the other day nd omg. She really complained like shiet. Lol. I walked out to next door. The clothes were all so pretty nd nice, when will I be able to afford them ? Lalas man. The last stop was Lucky Plaza, waiting for Dad to fetch us all home. We went into the arcade first since Ahkor wanted to play. He completed the whatever Timecrisis shooting game. I was quite impressed with his shooting/aiming skills at first. But he boasted that he always wins. Oh 5th ? Laugh mann. HAHAH. So that's about today. Didn't buy anything !&@!*$^#.

People I know are getting injuries from biking. It's kind of saddening lah ? To see or know about all those deep cuts nd bruises, serious ones needed stitching. Like effing painful please. Hope they'll recover soon.

Anw. Shall re-edit the entire Bubbleshare. I'm off.

Hey all. I'm back. Didn't sleep the whole of yesterday. It's my nocturnal side again. Andrew kor was chatting with me as usual in the early morning (online in school). Anw. I've completed the photo albums already, with captions. Ahahs. Ilove blogging lah.

It's horrible staying home again today. Rarrh. Have to get my own lunch nd dinner as well. Supposed to do housework but I'm like leaving them all to my sister nd cousin to handle. Bahh. I need to find more interesting things to do. Oh yes. I can't stand people who change their minds so easily nd give false hopes. There.

herTORMENTED heart
4:40 AM

Friday, June 16, 2006
Entry : Crushed sweet nothings.
Studying early this morning wasn't too bad although we lazed. Met Cindy at Macs nd I got myself breakfast. Mcmuffin nd ice milo. We managed to complete only 1 structured essay question for Social studies. Then went to have lunch at the foodcourt. Goodness I bought yong tau foo. Noodles again. Sick of it already lah. Didn't bother finishing it. So we found ourselves reading in the library. Cindy was funny, we had some interesting books. Oh some %$@!*?^# people took the books I wanted to read. Dang.

Soon, we were falling asleep so we got out of that place. Headed back to Macs to continue with Social studies. We've scraped through that subject already I suppose. Lalas mann. Bought my ice cream nd home I'm back. Watched MTV chinese nd asia with sister. Junxiang; Jiangmeng. He is top 5 hunk please. Charming.

Shall cook more food. I'll try omelette or something. Just no noodles. I can puke.

Oh this love. Rest in peace.
Until then, I'll reminisce.

I found this really sweet nd rather touching mv.
There's a part in the song which goes
"Although I will curse you
I'll still miss you
Because I am a girl ; to whom love is everything"_

herTORMENTED heart
6:42 PM

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Entry : Tattered deathbed.
Stayed home on wednesday since I was feeling lazy. But I didn't do any studying nor homework. Painted my nails ahah. Prepared lunch for my mum nd sister. Had fried rice with campbell soup. Then snacked as well on ice cream. Have been using the laptop for long hours this holiday. Sheesh.

Out early today. Hair darn shagged ahh. Trained down to Queenstown with Cindy. Bought 2 tops nd a comb from Queensway Shopping Centre. One of the tops was for my sister lah. See I'm a nice girl lol. Then we rushed back to cityhall to meet Marcus nd Dirisa. After which we headed to Bugis. Got myself the denim shorts nd a pair of earrings. Oh we had lunch at the Bugiscafe ! Ordered the hokeypokey muffin nd cordial drink. Effing yummy. Hurhur. Soon we got bored with so much walking, so we trained back to Tampines. Met into some people. Ate dinner at the foodcourt, shui jiao la mian ! I couldn't finish it lol.

Mum was already home when I went back. Sister likes the shirt ahahs. But it's up to believe if the label Abercrombie is authenticated. Maybe it's just old stocks. Who bothers. Cousin was asking why I didn't get her anything. Oops. Anw. When I'm out, food is the only thing I really look forward to (since shopping means money which I don't have) that makes me happy. I want those tops I saw. Gosh enough shopping for now. I'm broke. Bahhhh.

Shall upload pictures another time. Lalas.
Feeling rather down. Inferior. Everything's unfair.

herTORMENTED heart
10:25 PM

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Entry : Names engraved tgt.
Independence day. Off to White Sands myself from noon till early evening. Did my English nd Emath homework. Then Barbara, Phoebe nd Anne just popped out of nowhere. Hahah. After which I went to meet Cindy. We jogged from her house all the way to White Sands. Not bad lah. We had yoghurt nd 100plus there. Then walked back. Helped her take some pictures for uploading. Then mum called so I had to rush home. Yes, she was fucking shouting out loud that even girlfriend could hear.

Had dinner myself. Ate super alot of food. My efforts put into exercising has all gone down the drain. Sheesh.

I've got schedule for this two weeks. When everything's over, it simply means BACK TO SCHOOL. How horribly wonderful. Oh. Cherry Boom's song is currently stucked in my mind (: Ask me if you wanna hear it.

herTORMENTED heart
11:20 PM

Monday, June 12, 2006
Entry : The chemistry too weak.
I still have this. My strawberry lollipop.
Nd I keep thinking about you. How things are.
I'm sorry for all this tears. But it's just so hard to forget.
It's too hard for me.

Didn't catch a wink the whole of yesterday until noon. I was busy watching youtube's Er Mo Zai Shen Bian. Almost cried over some scenes. Lol. Then I gave in nd slept all the way. It's already night time. Nobody's home, they're all out. Supposed to buy my own dinner again. I don't enjoy eating myself. Anw. I don't even know what should I get today. Stupid life. I even have to worry about my meals. Wtf mann.

Dirisa requested to meet for the ezlink so I reckon it'll be sometime this week. Don't want to drag time. Haven't done any homework the whole of yesterday as well as today. It's only 2 weeks till school reopens. I doubt that I can complete everything.

Shiet. Have to cook porridge for mum now. She's coming home soon nd I'm not prepared. Kor was online at noon. He went like "yo mei zi.. remember me bo ?" HAHAH.

herTORMENTED heart
7:34 PM

Sunday, June 11, 2006
Entry : No exchange for love.
Rarrh. Alarm clock didn't help me. Neither did Syy's message. I woke up at the time when tuition starts already. Lol. Rushed out of the house. Teacher said I was later then before. Couldn't go to the church fair but sister still got me my churros. Sweet sugary love.

After tuition, Jaslyn nd I went over to Syy's place. Didn't want to go home anw. We bought chicken rice for lunch. Then we snacked on all the junk food (Everything). Wanted to do my English assignment, but ended up chatting all the way till close to 7pm. Ahahs. I bet her sister had a fairly good time listening to our conversations. Syy sent us off to the bus stop. Jaslyn was kind enough to wait for my bus to come. How thoughtfully nice.

Now that I know what's going on, I'm glad that some misunderstandings are cleared.

Had dinner with family. Watched some programmes. Omfg JIANG MENG my favourite guy ! Lalas. Dad brought home more food for us. I've finished it all with my wonderous appetite, don't worry.

It's already 2:37am. I've been thinking of that white Puma belt with studded diamante. 40bucks please. Ah fuck. Almost could have bought it, but there wasn't anymore sizes. Rawr.

herTORMENTED heart
9:15 PM

Entry : This is perfection.

I'm still up in the late night since I haven't completed my Emath assignment. The previous post was sort of random I guess. I've too much on my mind lately.

Anw. Dad was drunk when he came home on friday night. He came into my room nd looked at me, asking if I was okay. I was quite taken aback. Then he came in again yesterday morning (refreshed already) to tell me that we were going out nd asked if I had plans. Nd obviously I didn't. So we drove down to Tiong Bahru as a family (excluding brother since he was out with his girlfriend) to a relative's opening of shop. It was boring lah. They adults fucking brought up the whole family problem thing. Sigh. After a few hours doing nothing good there, we headed to town last minute. There were still sales everywhere.

Mum was being so nice to me. She bought me 2 FCUK tees (i like), a pair of NIKE socks nd a pair of NIKE shoes. On the other hand, sister nd cousin didn't buy much. Neither did she get herself anything. Goodness I'm splurging. She even bought us food. Thnks my dearest mum. Although I don't know why ? It seems absurd. I've been making her mad yet she treats me well. I feel darn bad. Even knowing that she's sick, I don't bother much. Tell me whats wrong with me.

Tuition later at 11am. As well as the church food nd fun fair. I feel like going out till late again. So lalas. Everything is blah.

herTORMENTED heart
12:58 AM

Friday, June 09, 2006
Entry : Living in the shadows.
Most of the times, my life is just an act. Facade.
So you'd see me smile ; see me laugh.
Am I not right ?
But sorry for disappointment.
I'm not all that a happy child.
Pretense if you didn't know.

It's as if everything around me is just a deception.
So I've played along in this game.
Constantly trying to keep chase.
Not wanting to give up so easily.

My true feelings are always kept aside.
The least I do is keep them to myself.
I don't have much courage.
I also lack confidence.
Now, even faith is fading.

Buried. There lays my huge pile of sins.
Envy. Jealousy. Hate.
Nd sadness pours in.
All this supposedly doubled that of my positive side.

This thing called love.
Is it so hard to give ?
Will they last ?

There are times when things go horribly wrong
Or unexpected.
Even reminiscing the past affects me.
That I would just breakdown.
I don't want to be depress over again.

If there's one thing to blame. It's just me.
I hate myself.
I don't deserve anything.
I'm tired. I really am.

Nevermind. I'll just say. That I'm alright.
Smile for me, please ? :(

She wears a mask to cover her hidden truth. Who to rely on ?

herTORMENTED heart
8:25 PM

Entry : Take me to the candy shop.

Girlfriend nd I met at White Sands to pretend again (there wasn't school that's why). Ahahah. Ate Macs for breakfast today. For the two days, did some Physics homework as well as Emath. We always end up at my home to cook lunch. Instant noodles lol. The day before, we did packaging work. Realised how difficult it is to earn money. Sheesh. Went back Pasir Ris at around 10 ? Ate dinner tgt at Central. Nd many thnks to her sister for the yummy mee hoon kuey. Haha. But today's kind of boring ? The weather has been pretty bad I suppose. I'm cooped up at home since mum came back early with MC. She's in a good mood though, nd pleased that I actually took the initiative to do housework. But of course.

I'm lazing around as usual. Bahhh. Painted my nails over nd over again. It's 7:39pm now. Eaten quite alot already, but I still have the urge to munch food. The greed. Who would be kind enough to get me my cheesecake from Cafe cartel ! Lol.

So yes. I've come to a conclusion. I need someone to pamper me nd be my ATM machine ! I don't mind having a nice sugar daddy or anyone willing to sponser me cash. Omfg ahahahah. But I'm serious lah. Can't stand having no money to spend. So whatever right ? Natalie, just dream on. You're super retarhded nowadays. Rawrr. Must learn self-control.

I shall leave messages then (:

Shir darling : My girl ! How have you been ? I'm pretty fine. Oh btw. You've got to collect your Emath papers from me alrytes ! Don't worry you can catch up. With love !
Lydia : Thnks for commenting ! See you soon, yes ? Ahahha. Loves.
Beefy : Thnks babe. You too yeah ? Must smile more often okay. Haha. Take care !

herTORMENTED heart
12:13 AM

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Entry : Down memory lane.
Cindy, Jayne nd I met up in the morning since we didn't have school (but pretended that there was). Lol. So we were doing Biology homework in Macs. Omfg. The aroma of breakfast meals was so nice lah ? But we are currently on a serious saving scheme you see. Ahahs. Restrained from spending too much. We got ourselves bread instead. After which they came over to my home for lunch. We cooked noodles nd eggs ourselves. Then Melody came over nd they left soon after to collect stuff.

Cousin nd sister accompanied me to get my dinner at White Sands. Hahas. I settled on century egg porridge from the foodcourt. Shared it with cousin since I couldn't finish all myself. I suppose the porridge they sell isn't as nice as those from the market place ? Oh wells. Then we had ice cream from Macs nd sister bought home Sara Lee's chocolate cake for us to snack later on. Yummy. Anddd, we were behaving like total lunatics all the way home. Hurr. Chatted with some friends online. Pretty interesting. It's been quite a while since I've actually had such fun like today.

I've been tagged by Fiona, Lydia nd Marcia.
F.Y.I - this is a dangerous game.

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect love.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there is NO need to do this again.
5. Lastly, most importantly, have fun doing it !

1. Have good looks nd charming smile. Who doesn't?
2. Be faithful. I so detest flirts.
3. Show understanding, trust, ND respect my decisions.
4. LOVE ME. But of course. Not lust please.
5. Shower me with lovely surprises, gifts nd roses.
6. Remember important things. Yes.
7. Always be there for me whenever I need him.
8. Do anything to make me happy nd loved.


Starting Time: 11:48pm.
Full Name: Natalie Erika Lai Yu Wen
Best Friend(s): Cheryl ; Shir.
Sexiest friend: (:
Funniest friend(s): There's plenty of them.
Smartest friends: Those in Fourseven.
Dumbest person: Me.
Shyest friend: I'm not too sure.
Most boring person: Me.
Who do you get advice from: Close friends.
Height: Not telling.
Date of birth: 24th October 1990
Righty/Lefty: Righty.
Shoe size: 6 or 37/38
Shoe brand: For which ?
Do you crack any body parts: Used to.
Siblings: Elder brother nd younger sister.
Email address:
Boy friend/girl friend: Girl friends are much more.
Crush: BAHH.
Liked a teacher: No.
Hope the person you send to would reply: ?
Ate a tub of Ice Cream: No.
Ran into a glass door: Once.
Gone Skinny Dipping: No.
Nearly got hit by a car: Often yes.
Ran into a parked car: Haha how silly.
Boxers or briefs: Boxers.
Tall or Short: Average.
Does size matter: Sort of.
Six-pack or muscular arms: Six-pack.
Body or Personality: How about both.
Ears pierced or not: Pierced.
Sporty or Outdoorsy: Outdoorsy.
Good or Bad guy: It depends.
G or hipster undies: Hipster.
Long hair or Short: I would consider first.
Dark or Light eyes: Dark.
Light/ Dark hair: A little of both.
Hair up or down: Down.
Sporty or classy: Both lah.
Chicken or Not afraid: In the middle.
What you prefer? Coke or Pepsi: Coke.
K.F.C or Mcdonalds: Macs !
Cats or Dogs: Dogs.
Coffee or Tea: Tea please.
Eastside or Westside: Eastside.
Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate.
Cake or cookies: Niceee.
Purple striped, Lime socks or white socks: I'll take all three.
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset.
Day or night: Depends usually.
Lights on or off: Dimmed.
Summer or Winter: Anything will do.
What's your fave food: Everything goood.
Holiday destination: Bangkok nd KOREA.
Radio Station: Perfect10 98.7FM.
Place: Town nd malls.
Will you believe in God: Right from the start.
What do you want to be when you grow up: I've been pondering about it.
Define love: It comes nd goes.
Favourite day of the week: Friday.
Bedtime: Past midnight.
Who is at least likely to send this back: Whatever please.
Satan or God or Athiest: God.
Do you love someone right now: Yes.
Do you care about someone right now: Yes.
Do you think of someone everyday: Yes.
Do you think someone is special in any way: Like they say everyone is.
Finishing time: 12:07am.
Date: 080606

herTORMENTED heart
10:21 PM

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Entry : If love was such a misery.
Late for Emath class. Geography ended early. Did some Math homework before we went over to Melody's place. Ordered pizzas nd snacked on potato chips. Junk food are just hard to resist. Lol. So anyhow, we watched Memoirs of a Geisha as well as MTV's My Own. Ahahs. Then cabbed back home with Jayne.

Oh yes. You can just fucking get out of my life. You've gotten too far. I don't see any point still remaining as friends. Stop messaging me nonsense. It's irritating if you didn't know. Those past were really the worst nightmare I've experienced. It just didn't feel right. I don't want to face it all over again. Scram.

Sheesh. My bowl of honey stars turned soggy in the milk. Gross I know, but I still ate them lah. Gnna do my English assignment later I suppose. There's a whole stack of homework to be done. Nd before I forget, HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY SYY ! (:

herTORMENTED heart
6:37 PM

Monday, June 05, 2006
Entry : We'll kiss goodbye.
Met Cindy on the bus today. Geraldine nd Jaslyn were at the back instead. We had our chat as well as good laughs as usual. Jayne was already at the school's bus stop waiting for us. Lol. We gave out the home-made cookies ! Sadly, it was effing hard (perhaps stoned) already. Aww.

Anw. Amath was on 'Vectors' instead. It ended pretty early so we went to White Sands. Bought Macs breakfast nd then burger. Alot I know. Then we did our Emath paper2. Not too bad lah. Studying is considered quite interesting yanno. Lol. Bought noodles from Munchhouse nd went home. Spent most of the time on the blog. Dinner was bought home - Don's whole chicken pie. Had a slice of it. Super yummy please. I've been eating large portions of food these days.

Oh. It will be Syy's 16th birthday tomorrow. Which is like in a few hours time.

herTORMENTED heart
10:03 PM

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Entry : The wilted crimson rose.
Had tuition till afternoon with them at 201. After which I met Shir to go out tgt (: We had our chocolate scones, it's nice. Tampines mall can get a little boring sometimes ? So we headed down to Bugis. Spotted Cindy with her sister. Nd goodness, we didn't buy anything except food (sushi). I'm thinking of going back there again another time to buy some stuffs haha.

Trained back to Tampines to have our dinner at Shinlin's. Coincidental. Saw him from a distance. I thought : It couldn't be. But of course it was - I felt a pang in me. There was an urge to avoid nd I don't know why ? As if I'm afraid. Because they did see us too. I admit I still miss him so very much ? Sigh. All is useless I know. I would have broken down right at that point. Thankfully, Shir was with me. Or else I wouldn't have the strength to hold back my tears. But the ride home wasn't a good one. Obviously.

I was home a little too late. Mum came home after nd barged into the room nd shouted shiet stuff. Effing loud. I don't even know what's her slightest problem. Sheesh. I so hate her attitude towards me. Sister was pretty nice nd all though. Made me those balloon sculptures. Sweet eh.

Sometimes I wished I never met love.

herTORMENTED heart
11:58 PM