Natalie Erika ♥♥
Friendster (?)


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Thedirections. My girl. Girlfriend. Bestie. Blogging. Chats. Sleeping. Laze around. Daydream. The beach. The park. Town. Whitesands. Shopping. Cash. Forever21. Topshop. Mng. Fcuk. Hearts. Roses. Walks. Alcohol. Junkfood. Maggi mee. Sushi. Korean cuisine. Meiji & Cadbury. Dark black chocolates. Secret.


My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer-.


Agnes Ailin Andrew Angela Becky Beefy Carina&Lydia Carina Cassandra Casxn Charzzy Chener Cheryl Cindy girlfriend Denyse Faizal Fiona Geraldine Hanwen Jeanette Kai Kim Lydia Marcia Melle Patricia Phoebe Syy Shirleen darling Timothy Ting Triton Weelyn


June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007


Layout : myaddiktiiOn__
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Image : foto decadent
Brushes : adobe photoshop cs2


Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Entry : My morning madness.
Bought myself a prettaye necklace on Sunday, while out with Jaslyn at Marina Sq (yes, this crazy shopping in the midst of the Os) nd I love it ! We had our marshmellows nd gummies, then Shilin's again at Tampines. Going back t Topshop after th Os t get our stuffs !

Back t school on Monday t see Mdm Aznah. After dinner with th usuals at Whitesands, met up with Cindy at her house. Last minute studying for today's Pure Chemistry pracs. My goodness lah ? Lol. Turned out alright except for a few mistakes. Rarh. Anw. I was lucky enough t catch the LAST bus home at 1.08am from her stop yesterday. There wasn't anymore bus service after about 12.49am actually. Haha imagine walking al the way home at that time.

So I'm home again, feeling sick al of th sudden today morning ): Hai. I sneezed so many times. Awful to have bad flu nd sore throat when the Os are here. Can't seem to complete Biology revision. But Yk (my girlfriend ahahah) was so sweet luhh ! He came al th way to pass me 5 panadol tablets since I had no medicine. Hahas, thnks so much (:

Biology Paper4 tomorrow. Wish me luck nd to get well soon.
Al th best to those taking Os !

Kai. Haha are you sure ? Why wish ?
Chener. Haha that is just a silly quiz yeap. He will be my prince ! Lol. Sure, you tk care too ! Study hard.
Gen. Ahahahah ! Yeap I know. But it's kind of interesting right ? Heh. See you !

herTORMENTED heart
10:57 PM

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Entry : If there was more than words alone.
Oh my tian ? My death would never be such perfection.


'What will your obituary say?' at

Met up with Chener in the afternoon at Tampines Macs, did some science reading. I havent started my TYS at al ! Ahahah. But its alright. Ate at Shilin's as well. Girl talks. Goodness, I love this girl (:

Homed pretty late I suppose. No naggings though. I'm happy luhh.

* ; nat everything is effed up straight from the heart. ♥ &screammmm says:
shir is a teenie weenie girl nd she has a fatty friend naat
* ; nat everything is effed up straight from the heart. ♥ &screammmm says:
they are the best of friends
* ; nat everything is effed up straight from the heart. ♥ &screammmm says:
aren't they ?
// ;shirleen. says:
// ;shirleen. says:
they make a great pair.
* ; nat everything is effed up straight from the heart. ♥ &screammmm says:
// ;shirleen. says:
* ; nat everything is effed up straight from the heart. ♥ &screammmm says:
u know, we have this connection thing
// ;shirleen. says:
// ;shirleen. says:
is that good or bad?
* ; nat everything is effed up straight from the heart. ♥ &screammmm says:
pretty good nd bad

herTORMENTED heart
11:24 AM

Friday, October 27, 2006
Entry : I'll stop th world nd melt with you.
Maybe my entries should be a wee-bit shorter from now onwards. I guess it seems kind of draggy. Nd not that I speak perfect English. I shall blog my style, nd stop al those rubbish about what I do everyday.

Biology tutorial was horrible. I was the only one who had not attempted th TYS nd other papers. So I just sat there nd listen, HAHA. Rather saddened that I was so lazyy. Then my eyes were swelling with tears nd lalas. I have been having fun these few days going out shopping nd al. I must do revision.

I'm only started with Physics nd Biology. My goodness ? Damn fun.

Denyse. No worries ! (:
Jeanetteeee. Miss you too !
Kai. Finally you wish me. Hahaha thnks, not bad luhh.

Do I look like a smoker ? Shut up.

I'm bringing sexyback.
You motherfuckers don't know how t act.

herTORMENTED heart
9:39 PM

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Entry : Never let it fade away.
Agnes. Thnks. Yes, got it. Lol.
Angela. Yes, I love those too ! At Vivo's Forever21.
Melody. Yes bengzz. Haha !
Jonne. Thnks.
Denyse. It's okay ! Haha. See you soon dear (:

Tears that falled ;
it's been 4 days.

22nd October
Lost my wallet again, this time at downtown's arcade. Suspected this fat bitch who behaved so weirdly lah. She even spoke some colourful chinese language. Haha. Effing sad about it, al those stuff in my burberry. Rawrr.

23rd October
Lazed around at home till evening, couldn't be bothered about books. Sister nd cousin bought me the voodoo doll (heehee) nd goodness, it cost a lot for a toy made of strings. Jaslyn was super nice, waited for me at Whitesands nd we walked the whole of pasir ris park in the night, almost got lost ! Then we went to have some bbq food. High on vodka nd jokes, her face turned red ! It was alr past midnight by then, so I walked her out to the bus stop.

24th October
Officially 16. Shirleen came over my house as a surprise (though she got lost at block -64 so she needed help) hahah. Then we caught up with each other before she left for her piano I suppose. Birthday ? Big deal. Went back to my sleep till evening, somehow rather sad lah. Called out Cindy in the night. My girlfriend took a cab down to my home ! Ahahah. So we went to Tampines for a while nd met ben nd kr. After which girlfriend nd I headed to downtown. My birthday drinks !

Great time chatting with Jacintha nd biao ge. Homed before 5am. Super tired haha.

25th October
Study session with Cindy from morning till evening, wasn't really productive. Most of the time, we end up sleeping. But she's the one that makes me start my studies. Haha. Faizal nd Junsheng are nice people as well ! They made this birthday card for me ahahah. Effing cute.

I'm so sad. Better eat less alr, FATTY. Oh wells.

Syy called 30min before 12 (she even sang me the song in English nd Korean !) Cindy my girlfriend smsed 1 min before 12 ! Jayne my bestest was on the dot ! Melody my bengzz was 1 min after her. Shir my dear girl. Jon. Noorain my pretty wished too (she rmb !) Beefy too. Jeanette was up early to wish me in the morning haha. Geraldine, Chu Wen, Kim, Kelsey, Clarissa my juniorrr nd Agnes smsed in the afternoon. Ben nd Faizal korkor (haha !) ltr. Then Marcia nd Denyse my dear wished late, but its alright. Haha.
Online - Zhen. Timothy. Weilun. Yinkhuan. Casxn darling. Melle. Denise. Edwin. Lydia my little girl. Carmen my sweet. Sheryl. Chener.

Thnks to those who wished me on my birthday ! Much love. But some forgotten about my birthday lah ? SCREEAAAAMMM. (gave allowance alr hor) Dissappointing.

I LOVE SHIR & CINDY MANY. Nice cakes, same types lol.

herTORMENTED heart
8:47 PM

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Entry : Hold me when I fall once more.

Ying. No ! I eat too much. I LOVE SYY ! To bits nd pieces (:
Agnes. What's funny with sillyness ? Lol. We enjoyed sudoku ! Really getting me one ? Ahah. Loves.

Did I show you the sandwich Cassandra (sister) made for yesterday night ? Ta-da-da-daaaah :

Effing sweetums. Yay.

I was so lazy to get out of bed today ! I washed up nd bathed by 230pm. I've packed my room again, pretty neat I suppose. Had to go family outing last minute. Drove down to Vivocity but there was a very long jam route ? So we changed our minds, got out of the traffic nd had our dinner. Dad nd I shared the bbq stingray nd fried kangkong, it was yummy yums. The others ate wanton noodles. Prolly my birthday meal ? AHAHAH.

Went shopping at Orchard. Brother bought his Ipod Nano video (?) nd sister bought her stuff from Surfergirl nd Esprit. Me ? I got this white Ripcurl tee at 46bucks. Not a good deal, considering that the material wasn't good quality, nd the size was a little big. Went into Wisma's Forever21, the outlet isn't as good as the one at Vivo. Oh wells. They wanted to eat dessert later on, after which we went home.

Like most of the time, I had a tiff with marmi.
Why must you call me stupid ? When will you stop nagging at me so much. You say so much negativities that makes me cry. I can be very sensitive alright. Fine, I'm such a useless girl to you huh ? If I flunk my Os then it won't be a surprise, because I'm so STUPID. You said I was. That you would rather me get out of the house nd marry a rich guy. You always accuse me even if I did nothing wrong. At the mall, you banged into me nd didn't even bother to say sorry, you didn't even realise I was there nd walked off with the others. You couldn't retrieve back dad's contact list after meddling with his handfone, didn't even apologise as well. What's with al this nonsense lah ? I had enough. I really couldn't stand it anymore, that's why I resorted to shouting back though I wasn't strong enough. It wasn't all my fault yanno. At least dad isn't as harsh to me, because like what you said, he thinks you treat me unfairly too.

I have nth else to say. She just don't understand what I'm going through.

3 more days.

herTORMENTED heart
11:54 AM

Friday, October 20, 2006
Entry : Catch the scent of roses.
Okay. Happy birthday brother Faizal ! Hahas (:

Had to accompany sister to meet marmi to pass her handfone, after which we thought of heading down to Vivocity. Met into Catherine (senior) on the train. Saw Marcus too. Anw, the place is huge nd flooded with crowds lah ? My goodness. Got my chocolate marshmellow from candy empire, then tried on some clothes from forever21. Ahahah. Trained back to town nd Bugis as well. Window shopping can be quite boring nd waste of time. No study plans today. There's a lot of shopping to be done after the Os. Aww money needed.

What I ate today :
One sausage, beardpapa's cream puff, home-made sandwich, don's chicken pie.
Is it a little too much ? Lol.

Sometimes I think I'm so retarhded. I tell people dos & donts, but I won't apply it to myself, I realised. Silly naat.

The faintest gleam of their lost memories glimmered for the briefest moment in their hearts. But the glow of their memories was far too weak. Without a word, they passed each other, disappearing into the crowd.

herTORMENTED heart
11:27 AM

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Entry : Black nd purple gems.
This very day could be the worst way to start my Os.

I spent 9 bucks on my cab fare to school. I had to pay 5 bucks for another entry proof since I misplaced it in the morning. Due to lateness by a few mere minutes while purchasing the stupid costly entry proof, there was a need to see the vice-principal after the practicals. My pracs were all screwed (yes like what beefy said, it was not the oh-I'm-going-to-fail kind of thing which everyone would say). For Biology, imagine leaving the table drawing nd question blank, that's alr -4 marks. Then wrong labelling for the maize seed, -1 mark. Time for cobalt(II) test way off, -2 marks. For Physics, no 3 significant figures means -2 marks. Wrong labelling of points on graph -1 mark. Resulted in gradient nd acceleration incorrect, -3 marks.

Shouldn't have wasted my time on remembering the different fruits, enzymes nd food tests. Rate of transpiration nd maize seed came out. I took Cindy's words for granted, that pendulum bob really was the topic. Sheesh. Let's not talk about it anymore. I'm not surprised if I don't do well (that includes failing) for this easiest component. Better not think too much or it'll affect my written work even more.

Had my first bite when Jeanette offered me her chocolate, thnks ! Jeanette, Agnes nd I were so into Sudoku (sp?). The rest came to join in ltr. Haha it's addictive lor ? We were in the music room locked-in for 4 long hours, might as well have some fun.

I'm trying to be alright now. Back with the usuals. The proper meal I had was at Whitesands with them. No offence but, the place seems to become more of a hangout area for the lianzz, bengzz, muds nd minahs (sp?). Overwhelming response from the student population. Quite frightening actually.

I'm fucking broke again, I still owe Jayne nd Kelsey their birthday presents. Though I still have yet to think of what to get them. Nd mine's coming up in just 5 days too (though I don't want to be reminded of, still I need to pamper myself eh ? ) Ahahah. Would they remember to wish me at least ?

Determine to go on a diet (: Give me your support ya ! I hope it can really work, at the same time, helps me to save kachinks to go shopping nd presents hunting. I'll share my food plan soon. Stop tempting me haha.

Shall end here then.

Jayne. It's alright now. I overreact at times ? Partly to be blamed for. See you soon !
Kai. Hey ! Where have you ran off to ah ? Lolx.
Angela. Hellos there. Oh, good luck to the rest of the papers yeap !
Melody. Yes, what joke eu want ? Ahahs.

herTORMENTED heart
6:24 PM

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Entry : Cake up by the makeup.
Friday Oct 13th
Realised it was the Friday Thirteenth. Had my haircut with Jaslyn. Disaster to speak ? After which we met up with Shir, Jayne nd Melody to go for the MJC Openhouse. It was quite alright lah. I was busy making fun of --SS's uniform. I so cannot imagine me wearing it to school like everyday. Lol. Saw my ex-primary classmate , Sharlene. She's so pretty now ya ! Jaslyn's friend came to join us at Tamp Macs, then we excused ourselves for Cartel's cheesecakes, ordering four at a go. Super yummy nd full.

Saturday Oct 14th
Out to CJC Openhouse, met my seniors there. We skipped SAJC, upon hearing that the students there are arrogant. Trained back to Tampines, walked around before heading home. Changed nd al for the 'Dim Sum Dollies gotodinner' gala at Ritz Carlton's Grand Ballroom with my parents. Enjoyable food with red wine. The performance was hilarious. Nd there was this good-looking waiter that caught my eye. Ahahahah. Cabbed down to a pub after that, nd stoned for hours with my vodka orange, while watching ahkor, his girlfriend nd biaoge play pool. Supper at Geylang with family until 4am.

Sunday Oct 15th
Amath tuition in the morning. Thnks Syy for the free Macs breakfast. -Hugs. Jaslyn nd I met up with Shir after class to have a study session. But we ended up talking nd cam-whoring as usual. Homed pretty early. Had maggi mee for dinner.

Monday Oct 16th
Didn't bother getting out of the house. I was busy sleeping in till the evening. Decided to download o2jam like finally. Hahahahs. Then cook my maggi mee for lunch (dropping hair lo ?) nd watched Goong, the korean drama followed by Mtv Made. I'm stuck on my computer 24/7. Shir came online so we chat the most retarhded of al time. We were talking to ourselves lah ? Hai.

Tuesday Oct 17th
I had no Macs breakfast. They didn't even bother asking me. Sheesh. The morning group slot for Social Studies was supposedly cancelled by Mrs Lopez as she's not feeling well. Someone was being so irresponsible not to pass the message to us yesterday. Geography tutorial didn't finish up going through al the papers. Then I wanted to eat prata for lunch since I had no breakfast but they didn't want, so forget it. Bus ride to downtown. I wanted Korean cuisine or Kway Chap, the stalls were closed. How unlucky can I get. It made me super qi ren. I resorted to junk food.

I know I am over sensitive.

I'm not okay, nd you both just ignored nd talked to yourselves. Fine. But why tell me that you would go to the park with me nd in the end we didn't ? You don't even look certain if you would want to go in the first place. She couldn't even be bothered as well. I might as well just walk away. I'm better off this way.

Fuck. This tears weren't supposed to fall so easily.

herTORMENTED heart
6:36 PM

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Entry : An army for the broken hearted.
[As continued from the previous entry]

Last day of school. 12 October 2006. Took pictures wit many. Four eight was IS a bonded class, despite the different cliques. It will always be this way. More to say ? Yes.
I love my friends.

Dear table nd chair, you will be dearly missed. I could always rely on you, when those tears fall, when I am tired, or just lazy. I could graffiti on you, nd you would not even scream at me or try to run away. You're just there. 2nd row down from the visualizer's screen. After this day, I would not be able to have you by my side alr. Goodbye my good companion.

Let me summarize others :

My sitting partner, Cindy. Thnks for al those chats nd gossips we shared in class. Thnks for helping me with my studies as well. I enjoyed your companion in four eight. But now, no more sitting beside you alr. No more scribblings on your table or papers. Nd I'll miss waking you up when you fall asleep.
Noorain nd Samantha. I'll miss seeing both of you turn around to talk to us. Aynn with the wacky-ness nd Sam with her funny side. Aynn, thnks for the cake you shared, nd teaching us Malay. Haha. Don't cry but work harder ya, Sam ? You've got great dancing btw. Hugs.
Then when I turn around, I see Jan nd Charmaine. Jan who lends me her handfone to hear songs nd Charzzy who would sing Korean songs. I like it when Charzzy always smiles. Jan, I will remember you, your emotional side, nd 'the new orchard road' etc. You're my favourite chemistry partner I love. Thnks for the junk food as well, that we often take from both of you.
Next row to me would be Victoria. The girl who would conveniently give us tissues whenever we need it. Yesterday was the last time I could ask her for a tissue. I'll miss you, my classmate.
Diagonally infront of me would be Angela nd Carmen. The two sweetest girls in class. Carmen, my PC monitress partner (I'm for welfare she's for environment). Angela, always staying in class during recess haha. But there won't be anymore PC, neither recess breaks for us. I'll miss you both.
Diagonally behind of me would be Shir nd Sheryl. Shir nd her nonsense, her girl talks with me, nd her singing with Sheryl. My true friend, the 'hongkong' bestie I have. Sheryl with her funny side too. I still remember that occasion when you were sitting on the floor nd Mr Tan asked to pick up you, the rubbish nd throw away. Ahahah. Nd you laughed at my singing just recently. Oh man, I'll miss al the fun nd jokes we had.
At the other side of the class, there would be Agnes, Tiffany, Sam Kee, Felchy, Pei Wen, Jeanette, Ying, Chantel, Jolie, Alena, Stephanie, Kimberly, Delvinder. Agnes my ex-best, but still a friend who made an impact in my life. Tiffany the attendance monitress who plays captain's ball quite well. Sam Kee the treasurer with her $2 bread nd waterpole dancing men (inside jokes). Felchy the pretty babe with her great voice for singing. Pei Wen the discipline monitress, the loud nd funny girl who makes lessons interesting. Jeanette with her brilliant ideas for the green tea advertisement. Haha. Ying, the girl whom I was very close to, never fails to share food nd Korean songs with me, nd I can always confide in her. Chantel, seeing her talking on the hfone during breaks. Jolie, who have the index number after mine, nd I always come to school asking her what homework that is due every morning during assembly. Alena, the unique one who introduces songs nd games, one of my favourite companion for years. Stephanie, whom I still have a recollection of talking to her every night when we were in primary school, nd I like her hair lah. Kimberly, my favourite science practical partner I love, the class chairperson who put in a lot of effort work. Delvinder, with her nick as 'pervert' because of her bag. Lol.
Nd of course, I can never forget thedirections. We'd have meals together during breaks. We'd do projects as one group. Jaslyn who's like my all-time love, I can always always depend on as my confidante. We'd have many girl talks nd fun times. Geraldine with her humourous side nd wild wild wet experiences. Jayne who never fails to cheer me up, nd I haven't got a chance to thnk her for that. Beefy with her wondeeful blog nd her love for cooking chicken wings during bbqs. I hope we can al meet up from time to time after the Os. Even if it's difficult, we'll give it a try alright ?

Damn I'll miss all my friends to tiny bits nd pieces. We've gone through so much together. After 10 years in an al-girls school, I wonder how life our there would be like ? Part of me feels uneasy, nd there's another part of me eager to see it for myself. It would be difficult to adapt to I know, because everything would be unfamiliar alr.

Btw. It was Sheryl's sweet 16 nd Ahkor's 18th birthday ! (: Happy birthday.

The usuals went to Whitesands again. We had our last afternoon meal together. Sigh. Made us so emo. Bought a pen from More than words. Effing cute. Then we went to the library to fold straws. Geraldine came along soon after. Taught them how to fold stars. Pretty alright I suppose. We walked around nd got quite bored. Geraldine left to meet her family, so we went home to change before meeting up again in Tampines. They left for me gummies although I was late. So sweet right ? Then walked around the shops before heading to cafe cartel for cheesecakes. Gosh, it was yummy yums. Took pictures. Homed after.

Shir. Yeap. I care okay ?
Chener. Hahas you take care too ! See you babe.
Jeanette. Really ? Lol oops.
Kai. I haven't started 4th gear. Ahah.
Sheryl. I will miss you too ! Visit my blog more often yeap ? Loves.

Past midnight. Early morning.
Forgot to switch off the computer since yesterday. Sheesh.
I don't feel like a sec4. I don't want to sit for Os.
Can we turn back time ?

Anw. Going out with Jaslyn nd Shir soon ! Bye.

herTORMENTED heart
11:16 AM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Entry : Tell me that you feel the same way.
I woke up late this morning at 5.23am, nd was caught by surprise to see a bouquet of flowers (with sunflowers !) layed on my desk. Ahahah. Realised that my marmi gave them to me last night while I was asleep or something. Hrm, sort of weird thing to do. Still, it was beauuutifuuull.

Anw. The arrow gang was formed. Ehehehheh. We had our thrills in the afternoon once more. Credits to Chantel's equipment - the screwdriver. Lol. Here's the group picture with our wonderful findings :

Tomorrow is officially the last day for our class. Surely there would be alot of mixed emotions nd al. SAC will become our ex-school. Friends will be dearly missed. But there's so much more to say. Sighs. Time just flies so quickly.

So we were having glances around the school. The familiarized environment that we used to study nd play in. 4/8's classroom with its decorations. The toilets we never fail to visit everyday between intervals. The canteen nd hall which are always filled with students. Soon, we won't be able to do al of these alr.

Shir. I'm here for you (:
If you need someone to talk to.

herTORMENTED heart
11:58 PM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Entry : I'll bring your sexy back.
Headline news. I tored my school blouse while ironing it. Loll.

Decided to raid the classroom yesterday in the afternoon. Found those skm badges in bulks. Shared my joy with the class ! Ahahah. Noorain found the certificates as well. More to come.

Jaslyn, Jayne nd I always have dinner together everyday, after which we'll go walking around the mall.

Natalie had some interesting fun moments after so long. She needed her thrills. I have my limits alright. I know when to stop.

Anw. I didn't start my studying until Sunday ? This is how slow I am, yet nobody chose to believe a fuck. Even so, Sunday was not really productive. Met into chener again (:

Oh yes. I don't know what's wrong with friends. Why can't just simply say a 'HI', smile or wave ? It's not anything difficult or demanding right. Nd some don't even bother talking to us already. Makes me super angry only. Like wth.

Melody. Yeap bengzz, I got it. Haha.
Shir. Alright ! No problem at al. But what's with the sad face huh ?
Lydia. Lol don't worry I'm always slow at things.

herTORMENTED heart
10:28 PM

Saturday, October 07, 2006
Entry : My sweet little girl.
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY ZESHENG. Haha. Yesterday was a long day. Went with Cindy nd them to his birthday bbq after hanging around whitesands with the usuals. I thought it was quite awkward. But I enjoyed the roundings (?). Heehee. Bike rides are fun.

Can't you tell me the reason why ? Wo hai shi bu dong.
Is everything okay ? Ni zui jing hai hao ba.
If only time could stop then. Wo xiang duo kan ni yi dian.
I know it's my selfish wishful thinking. Dan shi wo hen xiang ni.
Even though you might not know it.

Can everyone please don't remind me. Of my birthday.
Just stop it. I will breakdown.

Going out with Shir ltr to Tampines. Goodbye.

Beefy. They said that if CCA pts were taken into account, there'd be lesser choices ? Oh btw thnks. Nd I can't stop blogging. Lol.
Melody. Haha. Isn't it fun ? I know you like it, you bengzz.
Denyse. Yeap, I'm so glad (: have you stopped blogging ? How are you.
Kai. So gum day how ? I can't wait till Os are over.

Back home. Shir nd I had a great time together, simple things makes me smile. It's been years since I bought a friendship band ? Lol. We shared KFC popcorn chicken meal. It was super funny lah. She refused to eat the poppers or m&ms that dropped into the chilli sauce ? Ahahah. Then we also got our hairclips from Montip. We talked, we thought a hell lot, nd joke around in the shops. Oh saw da ge nd hw at Tampines mall too ? Ahahah. Then saw them again on their bikes while we were waiting to cross the road. Lol. Shir even went to church with me. Haha, so nice right.

Shir. I love you ! You're always there for me. No, not as substitute or whatsoever okay ? As a true friend I can rely on. Nd vice versa ? Thnks so much my girl, for EVERYTHING.

After church, Shir was off to her cousin's birthday bbq, so I went to meet Jaslyn. Wanted to eat our favourite ice-creams, but they weren't selling alr ! Hai. So we were like walking long distances to go back to Macs at the mall to get our milkshake nd ice cream. Had girl talks with her. Met into Chener too (: She's studying real hard ! Hee.

Jaslyn. Do remember, it's not your fault, bi bu kai de. Zhi dao ma ? I would have felt the same way. Hmm. Anw, thnks. It's nice to share problems together. Haha. Because you're the few I can confide in. Loves.

herTORMENTED heart
9:15 AM

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Entry : On the tangles of love.
I want need to complete my Emath test on Loci & Transformation worksheet, Emath exam ppr nd English Comprehension ppr which are al due tomorrow. Can I ? So difficult. Sigh.

We've been given stacks nd stacks of many exam pprs from different schools. Got a headache, I don't know where to start from. I don't know what to do. Like so lost ? Oh my tiann lah. Nd to think next week would be our last days in SAC. Time flies. I still remember those days-.

Just packed my notes nd books into the books gallery. Lol. I've quite a lot more in the school locker. Oh wells, I'd have to bring it al home soon. Anw. I found my Mickeymouse diary Shir gave to me. It has been more than 5 mths since I touched it ? Looking at the empty old pages, I've got an urge to continue using it again. Maybe I will.

School food's getting worse. Stalls are closing early due to the examination period, depriving us sec4s of our lunch ! Gosh. Prata-ed at last after lessons, then my pancake pizza. Dinner's hokkien prawn mee. Have been gorging myself with food. I gained weight in kilograms. People irritate nd piss me off so easily. I can't stand it. Depression huants.

I'm tired. I'm lazy. I'll plop straight into bed right after this. Sheesh.
19moredays. Fuck.

herTORMENTED heart
8:39 PM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Entry : Disco diva dance to the beat.
Somehow I haven't got sick of disdainedheart. Haha. I've got a lot to blog about, but so little time. Here goes.

1st October - Happy Children's Day. We are the deprived little girls. We love WWW to bits.
Sunday was back to tuition. After which we went to Tampines CPF building for KFC before heading home. There was prelim corrections to be done on Microsoft Word. I took hours to complete it with Shir, nd by the time I was done with saving it, it was alr past midnight. Yawns. There goes my time for studying. Monday blues ? New timetable schedule to follow. Social Studies tutorials was pretty alright. I sat between Beefy nd Geraldine ! Hee. School ended at 4pm.

Bought my Macs muffin nd iced milo this morning. Bus ride with Geraldine to school, so we discussed on Geography. Lol. Walked in together with Jaslyn, seems like we need not go to school that early on Tuesdays ? Oh wells its alright lah. The time was used on completing homeworks. Haha. Going school at 9am seems awkward anw.

Handed up my dance-a-thon fundraising card today. 45bucks is alot alright ! I don't even know why we are asking for donations since we're already graduants nd won't be enjoying the previledges of the school. Sheesh. Lessons as normal. Goodness, they gave us so many papers to complete as homeworks. Amath lesson, had an extra mark for the question on functions. So yes, we also got back our official tabulated prelim results :

I only passed 6 subjects.
My L1R4 is 19.
Seems alright ? (But its because they fucking took cca pts as a subject)
In this way. I can't go to any good course.
My L1R5 is 31.
Bye JCs. Ahahah. I'm hopeless case. Can't help it.
I'm below expectations.
I don't even know how to start studying.

Maybe I should draw out a personal schedule for myself ? Aye. I feel lazy again. Marmi's buying home more food tonight. I'm putting on serious weight, horribly true. Food makes me happy though. I got a little sane the whole day, friends think I'm mad. I don't know what's up with al the retarhdness. Just being silly. I'm not okay.

I've got 5 tutorial slots :
Geography (for the F9s)
Biology (for the failures)
Physics (band 1)
Amath (huh, band1 ?)
English (goodness me)

It's only 21 days to my sweet sixteen.
What's it like ? Just a normal day to go by.
Kill me. Bang bang. I'm not looking forward to it.

School ends late at 4pm everyday. Al the daily routines are making me sleep so much. Cindy say she's going to do critical study sessions with me after we're let off from 12th October onwards. She even help me do some plannings. I hope it'll be intensive nd productive, at the same time fun. Lol. Girlfriend, help me please ? But let me off on that day. Ahah.

Shir's entry. It got me thinking. I'll blog about those when I have my free mind. Takes courage to overcome those emotions. Sighs. A place that will never be the same anymore-. So this is where I end my entry with replies.

Kim. Haha I'm worse than you remember ? I love you too, partner (: Nd sorry for the times I got angry nd refused to do things. It was so inconsiderate of me.
Beefy. I hope so too. Hmm, if only they have maintenence for this few weeks right ! Lol.
Denyse. Yes ! I missed the fun too. You take care alrights ?
Melody. Got it, you bengzz. HAHA.
Kai. Sorry wrong calculation ! Amath is a C. I would like my chewy gums soon. Heehee,
Geraldine. Lol. You can have N alrights ? I'm glad to share my 'joy'. Hur. One love girl.
Angela. Oh I didn't sport you. Nah it's okay yeap ? I'm much better I guess. Study hard.
Chener. Haha what not bad ! It's BAD enough. You've mistaken the marks alr. Anw, jia yous !

herTORMENTED heart
8:29 PM