Natalie Erika ♥♥
Friendster (?)


The snapshots (Click!)
Videos (Click!)


Thedirections. My girl. Girlfriend. Bestie. Blogging. Chats. Sleeping. Laze around. Daydream. The beach. The park. Town. Whitesands. Shopping. Cash. Forever21. Topshop. Mng. Fcuk. Hearts. Roses. Walks. Alcohol. Junkfood. Maggi mee. Sushi. Korean cuisine. Meiji & Cadbury. Dark black chocolates. Secret.


My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury, or wear as jewelery, which ever you prefer-.


Agnes Ailin Andrew Angela Becky Beefy Carina&Lydia Carina Cassandra Casxn Charzzy Chener Cheryl Cindy girlfriend Denyse Faizal Fiona Geraldine Hanwen Jeanette Kai Kim Lydia Marcia Melle Patricia Phoebe Syy Shirleen darling Timothy Ting Triton Weelyn


June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007


Layout : myaddiktiiOn__
Font :
Image : foto decadent
Brushes : adobe photoshop cs2


Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Entry : I got a rose gold closet.
Jeanette. Yes yes ?
Shir. Santa ?
Jayne. Yeah I will. Haha.
Beefy. Welcome ! I hope it wasn't too awful lol. I only sent out t you yanno ! Ahahah. Thnks. Loves.
Geraldine. Happy boxing day t you too ! Relinked (:

This post is dedicated t words nd MORE WORDS.

Karen, our manager, will be dearly missed !
She quit th job alr. Lol.
So on her last day, we took pictures together.
Most were in th toilet ! Ahahahah.

Okay I didn't get t work on th 2 days.
Why ? Because I was chased away.
Won't go into details unless you ask me luhh.
Wasted my time nd transport.
Instead, I went out al th time t do shopping.

December th festive season.
So during this everywhere-sale what I've got in al ?
A dollie purse (Shir too !) from Topshop.
Another dress (with Shir) from Bugis.
A tee (with Shir) from Bugis.
A girlboxer from Topshop.
2 tops from Pull&Bear.
2 black leggings with/without lace from Bugis.
A new black bag from Bugis.
A green basic spagett from Topshop.
A gold necklace from Topshop.
A maroon top from Topshop.
5 honey sticks from Tampines.
Th belt from Fareast ! Haha.

I can't remember th rest.
Bugis & town. Always th same places.
Er I spent more on food I think.
Oh ! I took prints with my girl too.

So I got chocs from Weilun. Yayy.
I like th rose too ! Beamms.
Jayne gave me a present too, yet t open.
Marmi gave me bodyshop whitemusk stuffs.
Lindt chocs, nd that hfone angel I like.
Uncle gave me moneyy ! (:

Who can get me that green dress from Topshop !
It's green ! Hahahaha.
If I'm not wrng, it's only 56bucks ?
Or was it more ? :\
I would like new pumps as well pretty pls.

Before I forget.

This could be my worst christmas ever.
Right, Shir ? Haha.
I had t force myself not even t tear.
Except receiving well wishes of course.
I had delivered pizzas nd kfc with my family.
Went t church as well with Jaslyn nd Chuwen.
Countdown at downtown (loll) with her.
Long island tea from Weilun (thnks).
Went town with Shir walk walk.
Had dinner with a new friend (Lester) too.
Out after midnight at coffeeshop nd got caught.
My feet hurt so much for th 2 days ):

I gave out small angel chocs. Hahaha !
Feel bad not sending out cards though.
Better do some for th new year loll.

In th Seventeen magazine, there's th Guys Talk section.
So th question was :
What do you wish you could change about girls ?
(It was smth t help us improve on)
Nd this punk guy commented,
"I'd like t change their legs !
Most girls either have too many scars on their legs
or simply have legs that are much too short.
I just love girls with long, flawless legs."

You think we girls can just anyhow change that ah ?
At least comment on attitude, behaviour nd dressing.
Like what th others did luhh.
Not like we love having short legs also right.
My goodness.

I fucking hate it when people invite,
nd then last minute don't seem t want me there.
If you get what I mean. Sheesh.

Guys don't like girls who _____.
That's it. I'll stop.

I know my work is horrible.
Some friends think it's good though (wthh).
Even my parents talk behind my back about me.
Not having a proper job nd al.
Then not bothering t wash th dishes.
Like hello ? I heard whatever you al said luhh.
Although I'm not very good in dialects.
But I still figure out most of it.
I've got so much more t rant. But its okayy.

Stupid rainy season.
A few more days nd it's th end of 2006.

Wait for my next entry ! Th pictures I promised.

herTORMENTED heart
8:10 PM

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Entry : She fell in love too sudden.
Beefy. Why aren't you ? HOHO. Lol.
Angela. Omgg HOT RED. Nice ! Mine's maroon (:

Okay I promise an update soon alright.
With tonns of pictures nd happenings :DD

For now, I can say that.
Jayne&Melody's bbq chalet was enjoyable.
Thnks lovelayes !
Oh yes. Christmas is in 4 days time.
Guess what.
I'm working on BOTH th eve nd th day itself.
4-8pm. Bth.
Made friends there though (:
Jaminah Shameemah Neera June. Jenny ? Loll.
Quitting on th 31st Dec I hope.
But in a month I'd only earned about 800bucks.
(whereby hundred is alr spent on shopping).
Wthh I can only collect th rest of th pay on th 5th.

herTORMENTED heart
11:49 AM

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Entry : I just want t be here now.
Angela. Oh yes ! That sounds great (: Maybe I should learn from you ! Ahahah.
Lydia. Hahaha, you're like confusing me little girl. Lol.
Cindy. Yes girlfriend. Wait for me.
Shir. Alrights we'll see how.

I have zero spiffs today. Boos.
We seriously think this company is weird luhh.
It better close down after I get my pay nd quit.

Okay I won't have a good christmas this year.
What with th late work nd al.
No big celebrations etc.

Currently reading Full House by Janet Evanovich.
I'm done with th previous book by Meg Cabot.
Anw Shir asked t publicize her blog.
It's making a comeback people !
So do visit hers too. Thnks.

Hmms. Marmi just brought home chocs.
My love ! Dark chocolates yayy.

I can't believe you didn't bother t tell me.
Such a close friend indeed.
Or perhaps I'm asking too much.
But still.
Oh forget it. I'm not impt afterall.
You don't need me anw.

So like I found some old photos.
Effing cute yanno. Hahaha.
Yes, that was my childhood lover.
If I was not mistaken right.
I was th only girl from class he invited t
Nd I sat in their car, ON HIS MUM'S LAP !
Omg fun dazzle moments with him.
Games. Pizza. Balloon flied etc.
Th other photo I never seen before. Lol.

Chatting t them now.
Shall go polish my pretty nails ltr (:
Helping my mum too.
See I'm fucking nice.

herTORMENTED heart
11:23 PM

Monday, December 18, 2006
Entry : Crystals hanging on th walls.
Jeanette. OH YES ! LOVES.

Late for work as usual.
I managed t get 5 bookings in total.
But I gave 1 t Sally nd another was for next week.
Got back my confiscated 20bucks spiff. Yayy.
Now I'm contemplating.
Whether or not t quit earlier or later.

Th rain never seem t stop for long.
Want t get new pumps.
Change my awful wardrobe. Rarrh.

It's one of th ways to keep myself preoccupied.

Th worse way t miss someone,
is t be sitting right beside them;
& knowing that you can't have them back.

Don't cry because its over;
Smile because it happened.
I will (:

Blogging now at my private blog.

Edit 11.34pm-/

Too bad I don't think you read my blog.

Fuck. I need t vent my anger ):

herTORMENTED heart
11:02 PM

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Entry : Jingle jingle bells.
Lydia. Won't be horrible. Don't worry !
Jeanette. Wednesday is ? Loll.
Melody. Yeah sorry, have yet t upload. Hahas.

I rejected going to a relative's 21st birthday.
I feel super bad luhh ):

She coloured her hair alr.
I've done my eyebrows. Beamms.

Had papaya, taquito (wrng flavour) nd takopaochi just now.
But I'm still hungry.
So I ate cup noodles. Yayy. Tomyam seafood.

Didn't really enjoy shopping today.

Not enough cash. Not enough time.
Not many nice things anw.
Couldn't find th belt we wanted.
I didn't get th discount luhh.

Shir I don't like shopping with you >:(
You owe me one. Hahaha.

But christmas lightings were quite beautiful.
We took many pictures.
Though not many have our faces.
Christmas is coming :\

Pms. Moodswings.
But. I'm always a nice girl alright.


herTORMENTED heart
11:59 PM

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Entry : It's just so hard t talk right now.
Angela. Hahaha yes ! Stupid fringeys :\
Shir. Yes love. Who is th one who's late huh. Loll.
Lydia. Haha I see. No luhh, don't think it's weird for you !

My 100th post (: sticking to my blog.
I can't bear t switch over t Lj.

Went shopping with boy today. Hahaha.
Doesn't want t be little boy.
Finally collect my alterations at Levi's.
Got two tops from Pull&Bear ! (:
Can you like see my smile. Lol.
Then a basic top from Topshop.
Thnks for th BK meal btw !

Work was dumb.
I got threatened ! Oh my mama.
Trained back t Tampines with girl.
Yes she's MY girl hehehh.
There was pasar malam there.
Thnks for th cheese tofu nd sausage ya !

Tomorrow out with Shir t get th MNG sales.
Then Bugis t get belts.
Nd also th Topshop girlboxer !
She's colouring her hair as well.
I've t shape my eyebrows again. Pfft.

Stupid fuck. I look so fat in clothes though.

But somehow I feel rather sad.
Over something. I don't know what.

herTORMENTED heart
11:40 PM

Friday, December 15, 2006
Entry : Rants of th girl next door.
Jonne. You're welcome.
Weilun. Sure sure. Why not haha.
Lydia. No I look horrible. Lol. WHAT ? SAME ? Oh my I'm really sad alr. Haha.

I'm reading Meg Cabot's now.
I still have other authors I bought last time,
that's left untouched. Hahaha.

Gw dage called in th early morning !
Sadly I was still lala-ing then.
Went out t meet friend in th afternoon.
There was this stupid guy at Whitesands.
With those irritating questions.

Work was seriously. Super ____.
I hate th in-charge(s) there.
Little pay for pathetic 4 hours each day.
Even have t fork out my own transport fares.
I'm in need of another job please ?

I fucking bought th wrong taquito today ):
Then binged like shiet.
Fries. Swensen's mint ice cream. Chicken pie. Curry puff.
Marmi's buying home supper too.

Stop me please. I want t diet alr.
Fruits my love, my way out.
In this way, I can save cash for shopping too.
Talking about shopping, maybe I should go tomorrow.
Before work starts of course.
Starting from tmr ! Yummy fruits.

It's either coughs in th morning, or night.
): Hai.

Is my fringe growing ? Please please ?
Bright colour sucks now.

herTORMENTED heart
10:35 PM

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Entry : When they start screaming at you.
Hello lydia ! :DD

Yesterday was quite fun.
I woke up late luhh. Missed th shuttle bus.
Met up with Weilun again ! Yay.
I bought my taquito. We had mcflurry.
Got some Meiji chocs nd Hersheys for them.
Then off t train down t Tanah Merah.
Went t band chalet at NSRCC.
After work, I cabbed t go there again.
Can you see my money fluttering away.
Took pictures. I didn't get t see others ):
Thnks for jolly shandy. Entertainment. Bbq. Cake.
I love th organiser from Prints that they got for me (:
I love you girls. My heart's out to you al.

Missed th last shuttle bus back.
Lydia nd I.
We hitched a ride to th train station. Loll.
I will never forget it. Hahahaha.

Not feeling well these two days anw.
Coughed. Throat hurts.
Nausea. Feel like vomiting :\
Nd my nail broke ! Th one with th hello kitty print.
Haruka gave it t me when i was young.
I have t grow it back. Cryyy. (Click)

Woked up by a moron at 7.40am.
I was still lala-ing please.
Went late for work again. Sheesh.
They are like deducting an hour pay for me again !
Homed early. Wanted t go out t have dinner.
I went myself ): how boring luhh.
Ate duck rice ! Yummy.
Played that memory game again lol.
I'm improving alright. Show you !

Hahahaha. Okays just struck midnight.
You'll get my handmade card soon yeah.
Shall send it out tmr I guess.

Good luck to those taking their poly tests !
Do well. Esp to Weilun, then we can go have fun. Haha.

herTORMENTED heart
11:16 PM

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Entry : Sweet muffins for grabs.
Angela. Well, it's kind of too bright I guess ? Lol. Anw thnks (: But you haven't seen my face with it. Awful !
Lydia. Tmr, you're going t get a shock ! Ahah. See you.
Jeanette. I think so too. Hahahah.
Shir. Yes. Why are you laughing ? Haha.

Facial in th afternoon with marmi.
Then she brought me t eat japanese udon ! (:
Had this strawberry drink too.
Rushed t work after that.
Only had 2 bookings for weekends.
Accompanied Shir t interchange haha.
Met up with Weilun, walked.
Bought pratas ! It's been a long time yummys.
I lost on th silly memory game ): dumb.

Awoke super early ! But I got stuck on th comp.
Cup noodles. Nd then I wasn't feeling well.
So I reported late for work again.
What's more, I wasted time getting locked outside.
Because I didn't know th code t get in :\ Rawr.
Karen & Shir wasn't working today.
Haha, there's only Sally nd me !
Apple juice nd chocolate bar.
Accompanied her t th train station.
Left t th OCBC building again.
Then dinner with marmi. Beef hor fun :DD

I know puffy. My new bestfriend.
I love HOTT girls.
I miss Little prince. You know that storybook ? Ahah.
I'm done with Stargirl. It's similar yanno.

¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
ya sugar ?
(Okay th conversation was super funny !)

I'll wait until December ends.
Then only really. I consider t give it up.
This is th last time-.
(Private blog)

herTORMENTED heart
11:39 AM

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Entry : When he walked away she knew.
Weilun. Yeah ! You're too old right hahaha.
Jeanette. MISS YOU TOO ! When can we meet again.

Yesterday's work was rather slack.
So I like it (: Ahahah.
Then they were quite mean t 'jenny' luhh.
But worth th laughs.
Swimming in th morning with Jaslyn !
I'm tanned black hahahah. Really.
Walked back t Whitesands, had soonkuehs.

Train down. Takopaochi-d with Karen.
Bugis t alter our jeans.
Three of us ice cream-d after that.
Bought another dress !
I think i'd burst it though.
Went Wisma. Didn't buy anything.
Ran t Fareast with Shir t get snacks.
Munched on my taquito (:
She had that burger thing again lol.
Home time.
Fried noodles, sausage rice, kangkong nd duck.

Awoke late this morning.
Didn't get t go for church :\
Ate 2 hotdog buns nd cup noodles.
Goodness. I feel super lazy.

I think eating is a waste of time.
Maybe I should get back t dieting.
I miss eating fruits too ):
Strawberry. Grapes. Watermelon. Papaya. Honeydew.

-/ Edit.
WTHH. I didn't perm my hair luhh.
It's just coloured. Yeah, brightly dyed.

Just came home from Sakae !
Very filling please. Yummys.
Then went t pasar malam lol.
Effing disappointed, i think it's th last day.
Omgg luhh ? I only got a sticker pad.

herTORMENTED heart
4:47 PM

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Entry : Little trinklets on tiny shoes.
Weilun. Fine fine. Hahahaha. Don't fool me again !
Cindy. Yes girlfriend, when huh ! Lol.

Now say hi to dollie.

Thursday night, I was out after work.
Accompanying marmi t find places.
Then we had dimsums for dinner ! Yummys.
But when I got home, I couldn't get t sleep.
So I ate pork chops with rice at 3am. Wth.
Anw. I went giddy nd almost fell out of my window luhh.
Like omgg ? Really.
Then th next thing I knew, I was plopped into my bed.

Woke up early yesterday morning t sms Jaslyn.
Th pokey was still in beauty sleep !
Oh my tiann luhh. Hahahah.
So in th end, we met up at downtown.
Some inside jokes. Lol.
Then bought our korean food (: yay.
Work was so shiet please.
Chatted with NFF, then home after that.
Throat hurts ):
But new flavour t try out. Ahahah.

Ltr going t meet Jaslyn again lol.
Then out t Bugis t alter jeans with Karen.
Town after work with Shir nd Karen for topshop !
Pretty tight schedule tmr ehs ? Haha.
Then it'll be th end of th 2nd week of work.
Like finally.

My favourite song's up on th left !
Just click play (: Enjoy.

herTORMENTED heart
12:35 AM

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Entry : Play th funky music.
Back to blog again.
Flow! @ mos was pretty boring.
Th gigs nd al those weirdly-dressed people haha.
But there's Saw Loser ! Yay.
Dancefloor only started at midnight.
Smoove was crowded :\
Saw some faces, I don't think they're pretty, really.
But yeah, still considered hott.
Walked around outside, took pictures.
Then we also joined Melody's friend with others (loll).
To a pub at Clark quay.
Nd I was so surprised, that I actually trained down ?
When I could have just walked from my working place.
Drank. Chat. Stone. That's al.

Late for work again yesterday ):
I can't be late for today or else-.
Got my stupid pay luhh. Wth.
So anw. Went for satayys & drink at night !
NFF eh ? Hahahaha.
We had free entertainment by some people.
I learnt that S'pore have satellites (dumb) too.
Oh. I'm still learning that.
Cough coughs. Not bad alr luhh ? Lol.
Thnks for th treats !
Lucky there was still a bus home (:

By th time I reached home for th past two days,
everyone was alr asleep.
Why ? Lol.
She only know how t talk t me in th early morning.

Jayne's off t Bali ! Come backk soon.
Okay I'm going off t eat then shall leave for work ):

herTORMENTED heart
1:38 PM

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Entry : Ready or not here we go.
Beefy. Really ? Haha we should eat out someday (: Finding job ?
Lydia. Yesss ! Yay.

Still helping my marmi's slideshow,
got t pass t her ltr at th OCBC office building. Rarh.
Alright get straight t th point.
I'm prepared alr.
MY HAIR. MY HAIR ! She cries out loud.
Dark blonde mohagany light copper reflect.
New fringe.
Omgg omg oh me oh my.

Fine. I've got t get used t it.
Looks like some fake doll hair.
Need t grow it longerrr by th 20th Dec pls.
Going off t work now. Bth.
(John : Nutella what happened t your hair ?
Don't look like nutella anymore.)
Catch me soon. Flow ! Goodbye.

- guanwei says:
haven seen u for the longest time!
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
YES ! hahahahahs
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
nvm luh ?
- guanwei says:
nvm? how can?!
- guanwei says:
miss u alot ah. ):
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
hahas really ah
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
tats hot to hear.
- guanwei says:
(Caught up (: after so long being mia.)

¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
ya sugar ?
(Too sweet. Too sweet. Loll.)

// ;shirleen. says:
// ;shirleen. says:
its okay
// ;shirleen. says:
you still got dollie
// ;shirleen. says:
(Yes, I love my dollie.) says:
ok... fine... i agree... that ur previous 1 was nicer
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
(I knew it.)

shame shame all the blame says:
hey natalie
shame shame all the blame says:
u okay?
* ; lips of an angel . ♥ &screammmm says:
shame shame all the blame says:
ur nick,silly
(Aww LITTLE brother ! Haha. (:)

Delusional of Sorrow - i love my pretty girl~ says:
why arent u aslp
Delusional of Sorrow - i love my pretty girl~ says:
nite nat

herTORMENTED heart
1:08 PM

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Entry : Entertain th clowns instead.
Agnes. Haha u mean that conversation ? Someone's house ? Lol. You've got a brilliant idea.
Lydia. Hellos ! Yeap okay then. You planning t go ? Keep me updated pls (:
Shir. You could be (: Ahaha. Alright I'm seeing you everyday.
Angela. Hey girl. So what's your job like ! Haha. Mine's quite bad.

Because I can never be pretty enough.
Neither will my brains do me any good.

I'll just let th pictures do most of th talking.
So it was Ikea with Jaslyn on Friday afternoon (:
I made her carry th yellow bag !
Many many funky decos.
She loves th BLUE kiddy closet most. Ahah.
Nd we popped by Coffeebean too.

Then off t work as usual.
Received a 5bucks spiff. Phew.
1 booking for next next Saturday only. 1 fax.
A fucking bastard guy shouted at me over th fone ):<
It wasn't my fault really. Boohoos.
It was so horrible. Wasn't it, Shir ?

Three of went down t Bugis after.
Collected my jeans like finally.
Bought th leggings at this other shop.
Th ahma I bargained with was so nyce t me (:
Oh, Shir nd I got Topshop purses too.
It's effing dope (?) ahahah.
So Karen's t manager, we're th dollies !
Along with our signature purses,
AND soon-to-be-hairstyles. Lol. Met up with Shir at Tamp.
Saw Jeanette ! :DD Excitingly happy t see her.
I think her hair colour's not bad yanno. Haha.
Then went for lunch at Century Sq.
We had our Korean cuisines again. Yummys.

Train down t meet Karen, it was rushy.
Very very late ):
1 booking for next day, 1 booking for next Thursday.
1 booking for next next Saturday again.
Hope they'd turn up pls.
I was feeling so sleepy luhh.
John (in-charge) now calls me nutella.

Anw. Karen has yet t show me TH PERM.
Hahaha. So I kind of figured that.
If she doesn't show me th picture or something,
I'll keep thinking that it's like :

It's been a really long time.
Caught up with Luke for a short while.
Chatting online with friends.
As well as Shir & Mr handsome.

¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
i miss u erika
* ; lips of an angel . &hearts &screammmm says:
* ; lips of an angel . &hearts &screammmm says:
i miss u faizal
¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
tats hot to hear

(Wow wow loll.)

* ; lips of an angel . &hearts &screammmm says:
then ltr go colour my hairrr
¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
oh colour pencils or crayon
* ; lips of an angel . &hearts &screammmm says:
colour pencils

(Haha funny. Yes, dye my hair ltr.)

* ; lips of an angel . &hearts &screammmm says:
* ; lips of an angel . &hearts &screammmm says:
¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:
¤`fai/zÂL ` If we could live without a care » says:

(Mann, am I glad.)

herTORMENTED heart
2:00 AM